Taking off the Background:

How can we design our pictures of there are backgrounds? One most important thing is that you have to take your avatar picture in a green room and don't change the background color.

Now taking off the background(bg) is easy. It is a piece of cake. So now let's start.

First off as you can see in the right side there is a picture.  As you can see on the right side there is an icon highlighted with color red. And its called select tool

Now that youve selected the  select tool open up your desired image and make sure that your background is green if not it'll be difficult to work with that picture and you should *ITS A MUST* save it as .png.

Ok so now we have our picture, all you have to do is click the green background after that you will see running ants.


After clicking the bakcground, go to Layer>Transparency>Add Alpha Channel. As seen in the picture.>>>>>>>>>


Now go to Edit>Cut or just use the keyboard shortcuts. Ctrl+X to remove the green background.

Tada! No silly background and you can now start editing the skin and making some backgrounds.

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